Pregnancy and back pain

Most women experience back pain during pregnancy.

During the 9 months of pregnancy, the body undergoes many changes: major hormonal changes occur, the body's center of gravity changes with the increase and distribution of weight (especially the abdominal area) and the tension in the lower back (lumbar spine) increases. In short, the curves of the spine are modified in order to counteract the considerable increase in weight and size of the uterus.

Precisely for this reason, it is estimated that more than 50% of pregnant women suffer from back pain, especially during the last months of pregnancy.

There are some general recommendations that can help relieve back pain and possibly even prevent it. One of the fundamental points that any pregnant woman should keep in mind is to always maintain a correct postural hygiene, that is, the person should maintain a proper ergonomic posture both at rest and during times of activity. On the other hand, as long as the doctor does not indicate otherwise, it is important to keep your body active and exercise regularly. Ideally, you should get in the hands of a specialized physiotherapist who will indicate the most appropriate exercises to tone certain necessary muscle groups and to relax and stretch those muscles that are contracted.

Other actions that can help you reduce back pain during pregnancy include the following:

  • Cold therapy to reduce inflammation
  • Heat therapy to relieve pain and muscle spasms
  • Sleep on your side with a pillow between your knees.
  • Change position frequently
  • Avoid high heels

In addition, if you spend a lot of time sitting, the use of an ergonomic lumbar support and a suitable ergonomic chair in which the body is comfortable and active is highly recommended. Additionally, the use of a footrest that helps to raise the height of the feet a few centimeters can help to improve the circulation of the legs, which is essential for pregnant women.

If even with these measures, you still have back pain, your doctor may prescribe specific physical therapy that includes passive treatment such as massage. Physical therapists understand the challenge of maintaining correct posture at rest and activity during pregnancy. Therefore, they will offer you beneficial information to make the remaining months or weeks of pregnancy as comfortable as possible.

Before beginning any type of treatment for back pain, be sure to talk to your doctor.

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